Privacy and cookie policy

Protection of personal data

This website takes protecting your privacy very seriously. Most information is available on or through the website without any need to provide personal data. In some cases, however, personal information may be requested. If so, the data is processed in accordance with the provisions of the Belgian Law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data. You can always request access to your personal data to check its accuracy.

What cookies are used at ?

A list is provided below of the cookies we use, along with an explanation of their function and expiry time.

Essential cookies

Essential and functional cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be refused. These cookies are placed on your device as soon as you access the website.

Cookie name Fonction Expiry time
BIGipServer… Session management At the end of the session
(name varies from user to user)
Assigns a server At the end of the session
(name varies from user to user)
Assigns a server At the end of the session
fedconsent Saves the choices made in the cookie popup After 6 months
Functional cookies

You cannot refuse these cookies if you wish to browse this website, but they will only be placed after a choice has been made regarding the placement of cookies.

Cookie name Fonction Expiry time
clientlanguage User language 3 days
Analytical cookies

The cookies below will only be installed if you accept analytical cookies.

Cookie name Fonction Expiry time
_pk_id Analysis of website visits After 6 months
_pk_ref Analysis of website visits After 6 months
_pk_ses Analysis of website visits After 30 minutes

The website uses MATOMO for analytical purposes. This analytics tool measures visits to websites. To collect additional information for this purpose, it places cookies which we use to measure visits to the website (traffic). Among other things, this allows us to know how many times a particular page is read. We only use this information to improve the content of our website or as input for a new campaign on a specific topic of great interest.